2016/11/4 15:22:00 www.cn010w.com 点击:1532次
演出日期: 2016/11/24 星期四 19:30
罗西尼 命运之力序曲
莫扎尔特 魔笛 【别颤抖了 我的爱儿】【夜之后】
费加洛婚礼 【知否爱情为何物】
罗西尼 赛维利亚的理发师 【造谣】
比才 卡门 【斗牛士之歌】【爱情像野鸟】
普契尼 托斯卡 【星光灿烂】
波西米亚人 【你那冰冷的小手】
奥芬巴赫 霍夫曼的故事 【船歌】
安得鲁. 洛依. 伟伯 歌剧魅影 【夜之乐章】
猫 【回忆】
艾薇塔 【阿根廷,别为我哭泣】
阿兰. 鲍伯利 悲惨世界 【一颗心充满爱】【我曾有梦】
西城故事 【今夜】【我好漂亮】
中国歌剧 多人作曲 白毛女 【北风吹扎红头绳】
王锡仁、胡士平 珊瑚颂 【珊瑚颂】
中国歌剧 多人作曲 江姐 【红梅赞】
Adrian Schneider
Adrian Schneider 1973年出生于瑞士的首都伯尔尼, 7岁起随父学习小号演奏。Adrian从少年时期就活跃在瑞士的管乐界,参加各种管乐团的演出。其中不乏有瑞士知名的“伯尔尼Regional铜管乐团”,“瑞士国际青年管乐团”,“卢塞恩Buergermusik铜管乐团”和“伯尔尼交响管乐团”。
之后,Adrian跟随伯尔尼音乐学院Markus Wuersch教授(前苏黎世室内交响乐团首席小号)学习,并在卢塞恩音乐学院取得硕士学位。在此期间,先后师从Guy Touvron(RCA唯一的小号独奏家,任教於巴黎高等音乐学院),Thomas Stevens(世界著名小号演奏家),Jean-Francois Michel和Jeremy Wise。
1994-1999年师从指挥大师、开罗交响乐团首席指挥、圣彼得堡室内乐团首席指挥Andreas Spoerri开始系统的学习指挥。
1999年, Adrian担任“Cuivres Euphonia”管乐团首席指挥,并且带领此团获得2000年瑞士铜管乐队大赛冠军和2001年欧洲铜管乐队大赛冠军.
2005年,Adrian师从密歇根大学指挥教授Kenneth Kiesler,并客座指挥图林根爱乐乐团。
同年,Adrian成为“Landwehr Fribourg”瑞士岚德威交响管乐团首席指挥,瑞士岚德威交响管乐团被誉为是“瑞士最享有盛名的、历史最悠久的交响乐团”。乐团成立于1804年拿破仑统治时期。曾经一度是瑞士佛里堡省军队乐团,后来发展成为瑞士佛里堡省国家交响乐团。
2006年Adrian与瑞士岚德威交响管乐团在加拿大境内巡演。2007年与该团在意大利里瓦获得“Flicorno d’Oro”国际管乐大赛冠军。
2010年, 任中国敦善交响管乐团艺术总监。
Adrian Schneider
Musical & Artistic Director
Principal Conductor
Adrian was born in 1973 in Gurzelen, Berne, Switzerland. Growing up in a musical family, he got in touch with music very early and got his first trumpet lesson from his father at the age of 7.
Already at early age, Adrian was very active in the wind and brass – band scene in Switzerland, playing with several highly reputated ensembles and bands such as “Regional Brass Band Berne “, “National Youth Brass Band of Switzerland”, “Brass Band Buergermusik Lucerne” and “ Berne Symphonic Wind Orchestra”.
From 1989 – 1992, Adrian made a studied woodwind and brass-instrument repair and manufacturing at the Instrument-Maker School in Zimmerwald, Berne.
Alongside this education, Adrian studied at the Conservatory Berne as subsidiary subject Trumpet, Flute, Bassoon, Music History and Music Theory.
During his Studying, Adrian took masterclasses from Guy Touvron, Thomas Stevens, Jean – Francois Michel and Jeremy Wise.
Simultaneously, Adrian studied conducting with Andreas Spoerri, principal guest conductor of the St.Petersburg Camerata and musical director of the Cairo Symphony Orchestra.
Adrian held the position of principal trumpet in several orchestras such as the “National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Switzerland, the Orchestre Philharmonique Suisse and the Beijing Symphony Orchestra.
1993, at the Age of 20, Adrian was appointed musical director of the Regional Brass Band Berne, a position he held for 4 Years.
In 2005, the most prestigious Wind Orchestra of Switzerland, “Landwehr Fribourg”, appointed Adrian their musical director. With them, he won the International Wind Band Competition “Filcorno d’Oro” in Riva del Garda,Italy.
In the years 2005 and 2006, Adrian was assisting Kaspar Zehnder, Chief conductor of the “Berne Conservatory Symphony Orchestra” and was music director of the “Brass Band Berner Oberland”
Adrian was guest conductor with many outstanding wind and brass Bands, such as the “Orchestre d’Harmonie Fribourg”, the “National Youth Brass Band of Switzerland” and the “Willisau Wind Orchestra”.
During his whole career, Adrian was judge at many solo and band competitions all over Switzerland, commissioned and premiered several new pieces for wind and brass band and arranged many orchestral pieces to broaden the repertoire.
In 2010, Adrian was appointed musical and artistic director of the Dunshan Symphonic Wind Orchestra in Beijing, China.
敦善交响管乐团(DSWO)是中国大陆首家民营交响管乐团。它由中国敦善公司总经理于添先生和瑞士籍著名音乐家Adrian Schneider共同策划成立的。