Tove Lo上海演出专场
2018/5/7 14:58:18 点击:593次
演出时间: 2018.05.17
演出场馆: 万代南梦宫文化中心(原上海浅水湾文化艺术中心 )-梦想剧场SREAM HALL(原Q-Hall)
来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Tove Lo是近年来最为人熟知的欧洲流行女歌手和词曲创作人之一,凭借首支单曲《Habits (Stay High)》成功打入美国市场,强势登上美国公告牌百强单曲榜第三名;首张录音室专辑《Queen of the Clouds》登上美国公告牌专辑榜第14名,在多个国家缔造白金唱片的好成绩,并得到权威音乐网站Pitchfork盛赞:“伤痕累累,编曲华丽宏伟而不过分的流行音乐”。2014年出道至今,Tove Lo以她擅长的题材,唱出爱情的迷茫、分手的心碎,在国际累积了一大批歌迷。她坦率、不经修饰,被滚石杂志形容为“瑞典最黑暗的国际流行歌手”。她的歌词风格强烈、诚实、百感交集。今年的五月,MTA天漠音乐节终于把这位“瑞典最伤心的女孩”和她的第三张个人专辑《Blue Lips》带到中国歌迷的面前。
Tove Lo, who comes from Stockholm, Sweden, is one of the most famous European pop singers and songwriters in recent years. Her first single Habits (Stay High) successfully opened her market in America and hit No. 3 on Billboard’s Hot 100. Her first platinum debut Queen of the Clouds hit No.14. Pitchfork applauded Queen of the Clouds as a fascinating study in contrasts: “bruised, brightly arranged pop songs that feel grand but not excessive.”
Since her first debut album in 2014, Tove Lo is known for singing heartbreaking love stories, which create echoes in everyone’s heart. Her songs and lyrics are intense, sincere and emotional. MTA Festival finally brings “The Saddest Girl in Sweden” and her third album Blue Lips to China in May.
说起Tove Lo,必然第一时间想到她在《Habits(Stay High)》MV里面那个本色出演,让人心碎的女孩,在分手后日复一日起床、打扮、彻夜狂欢、失控痛哭、孤身入睡。这支MV当时引起无数歌迷共鸣,并被口碑极佳的美剧《再造淑女》用同样的手法模仿拍摄。Tove坦言,她享受把人生的黑暗面写进歌词里,进行创作时,走出舒适区,尝试直面自己的消极情绪,她认为,人们不应该害怕自己的情感,而要袒露真实的内心。或许就因为是这样一个脆弱而坚韧的女子,人们才能在她的歌里多多少少找到自己的影子。
When people talk about Tove Lo, it surely reminds us of her music video of Habits (Stay High), that a heartbroken girl, who is actually acted by Tove, messes herself around partying and strangers but eventually back to deep loneliness after breaking up with her lover. The music video was so profound that was even remade by TV drama Selfie. It is true that Tove enjoys writing the dark side of life into her songs. “When you create, you try to get out of your safe zone,” says Tove, “It’s okay to be pissed off or depressed. You’ll pick yourself back up. We shouldn’t be so scared of our emotions.” Maybe that is why people usually relate themselves to Tove when listen to her songs.
Tove Lo在乐坛的人脉甚广,曾跟Demi Lovato、Nick Jonas 同台演出过;在Taylor Swift和Katy Perry各自的演唱会上担任演出嘉宾。除了广为人知的歌手身份,Tove Lo的另一个身份是词曲创作人,为Hillary Duff 时隔7年的复出专辑打造首波主打单曲《Sparks》;与去年MTA天漠音乐节的重磅演出艺人Years & Years合作大热单曲《Desire》; Lorde广受好评的最新专辑中的《Homemade Dynamite》;还有Ellie Goulding 的《Love Me Like You Do》,此曲被录入电影《五十度灰》的原声大碟,更得到了格莱美奖的提名。
Tove Lo has gradually become a go-to collaborator. She performed with Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas, supported on Taylor Swift’s and Katy Perry’s world tour, wrote the single Sparks for Hillary Duff in her comeback album after a 7-year break, co-wrote and sang on Years & Years’ Desire, wrote for Lorde’s Homemade Dynamite, and Ellie Goulding’s Love Me Like You Do, which was included in the soundtrack of Fifty Shades of Grey and was proudly nominated by Grammy Award.
在去年11月份,一向高产的Tove Lo给歌迷们带来了她个人的第三张专辑《Blue Lips》,副标题为《Lady Wood的第二章》,延续上张专辑《Lady Wood》的情感诱惑。专辑由两个章节组成,分别是“光束”和“黑色”,共同描述了“关系的高点,低点和最终的消亡” ,是《Lady Wood》的一个“戏剧性”和“高度情感化”的姐妹篇。这两张专辑都记录了一场动荡的爱情的诞生和死亡,勾画出一种消耗大,自我毁灭的激情。在《Blue Lips》中,Tove Lo加入了上世纪70年代的迪斯科舞曲元素和90年代的House,用轻快而温柔的编曲引发一场气泡型的幻想。
In November, 2017, this multitasker officially brought her third album to her fans. Blue Lips is subtitled Lady Wood Phase II, and it is a dramatic and strongly emotional continuation of Lady Wood, comprising parts three and four of her pair of concept albums. The album is broken into two chapters: Light Beams and Pitch Black. Both albums chronicle the birth and death of a tumultuous love affair, doomed by an all-consuming, self-destructive passion. In Blue Lips, it is not hard to find that the track blends 1970s disco and 1990s house, eliciting an air of fantasy.
今年5月17日,Tove Lo将会在万代南梦宫上海文化中心进行专场演出。接着5月19日转战在张家口怀来天漠举行的MTA天漠音乐节,在一望无际的沙漠上为大家带来中国音乐节的首演,在摇摆和尖叫声中,唱尽爱情百态!
On 17th May, Tove Lo will have a fantastic show in Bandai Namco Shanghai Base. Then she will meet all lovely fans on MTA Festival on 19th May and bring everyone her very first show of Chinese music festival. Stay tuned!