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时间:2021.10.02 周六 19:30
场馆:青岛市 | 青岛大剧院音乐厅
2011年,以专业第一名考入德国柏林音乐学院(Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler"),师从交响乐教授克里斯蒂安·艾华德(Christian Ehwald)及歌剧教授汉斯迪特·鲍姆( Hans-Dieter Baum )。
2013年,作为世界知名指挥家克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼(Christian Thielemann)的助理指挥,参与萨尔茨堡复活节音乐节歌剧《帕西法尔》的排练及演出。同年,作为指挥家古斯塔夫·库恩(Gustav Kuhn)的助理指挥,参与排练及演出了第16届北京国际音乐节闭幕音乐会——瓦格纳歌剧《帕西法尔》的中国首演。
2017年,应邀担任柏林音乐学院(Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler")指挥系助教。
2018年,签约世界知名古典音乐经纪公司Askonas Holt。
As one of the most exciting Chinese conductors in the world, Mr. Huang Yi
is currently the Principal Conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the Principal guest Conductor of National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra and the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of Kunming Nie’er Symphony Orchestra.
Huang Yi was born in 1986 into a family of musicians in Beijing. Musical education in his early childhood came from his father Huang He, a famous music professor, and he later studied at the Central Conservatory with Prof. Yang Li and Yu Feng. After graduation with a top-level grades from bachelor study, as a student recommended for admission, Huang Yi continued his graduate study in the Central Conservatory of Music. From 2011, he continued his study at the Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler" Berlin with Prof. Christian Ehwald and Prof. Hans-Dieter Baum. Outstanding music talents and excellent educational background make Huang Yi a rising star in classic music stage.
Huang Yi’s career started in 2009 as Maestro Seiji Ozawa’s assistant conductor. In the year of 2012, he was recommended by Maestro Long Yu and made his opera debut conducting the China Philharmonic Orchestra at the 15th Beijing Music Festival’s new production of Chinese opera The Savage Land. In 2013, as the assistant conductor of Maestro Christian Thielemann, Huang Yi participated in rehearsing and conducting Parsifal at the Salzburg Easter Festival. In the same year, he assisted Maestro Gustav Kuhn in rehearsing and conducting Parsifal’s Chinese premiere at the 16th Beijing Music Festival. Two years later, Huang Yi conducting Shanghai Symphony Orchestra performed successfully Ping Pang Concerto’s world premiere in MISA’s closing concert.
Huang Yi becomes the assistant conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra since 2015, meanwhile joining the conducting faculty of China’s Central Conservatory of Music. In the next year, he became the Artistic director and Chief Conductor of Kunming Nie’er Symphony Orchestra. He was soon invited to be assistant professor at Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler” Berlin. Huang Yi is the Principal Conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra and the Chief Conductor of National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra since January of 2019.
Mr. Huang has successfully conducted Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Frankfurt Symphony Orchestra, Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra, New Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa Ongaku-Juku Symphony Orchestra, Busan Philharmonic Orchestra of Korea, China Central Opera House Symphony Orchestra,China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, Guiyang Symphony Orchestra,Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, Shaanxi Philharmonic Orchestra, Fujian Opera and Dance Drama Theater Symphony Orchestra, China Youth Symphony Orchestra, Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra,China Juvenile Symphony Orchestra, China Film Symphony Orchestra, etc. He has collaborated with numerous distinguished soloists including Yuqiang Dai, Changyong Liao, Song Wei, Warren Mok, Liping Zhang, Chenye Yuan, Ning Liang, Jianyi Zhang, Shen Yang, Chuanyue Wang,Yuanming Song,etc. Soloist Augustin Dumay, Alison Balsom, Andreas Ottensamer, Ning Feng, Siqing Lv, Liwei Qin,Haochen Zhang, Mengla Huang,Wei Wen, ZhiJong Wang and Xuefei Yang.
Askonas Holt is Huang Yi’s global management.