2022/10/5 14:29:00 www.cn010w.com 点击:483次
时间:2023.01.01 周日 19:30
场馆:苏州市 | 苏州金鸡湖音乐厅
陈燮阳 指挥 |CHEN Xieyang Conductor
袁芳 钢琴 | Fang YUAN Piano
拉赫玛尼诺夫 《帕格尼尼主题狂想曲》
拉赫玛尼诺夫 E小调第二交响曲
RACHMANINOFF Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
RACHMANINOFF Symphony No.2 in E minor
优美如歌、惆怅伤感的第二交响曲是拉赫玛尼诺夫交响曲中最广为人知的作品,其中最缠绵动人的第三乐章柔板,主题绵长如涓涓溪流,贯穿其中的一个动机据说与俄语“你爱我吗 (Ты меня любишь)?”音调相近,将忧郁与柔情以及俄罗斯风情的辽阔自然娓娓道来。
Two piano works by Russian-American composer Sergei Rachmaninoff have been chosen for this concert. Rachmaninoff, as a talented pianist, left behind a large number of piano works that are melodic, emotional and require a high level of skill to master, as shown in these two works for this concert.
Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini is a set of 24 variations for solo piano and orchestra, almost like a piano concerto in form. The work is named after Paganini’s famous Caprices for solo Violin No. 24, on which the composer based his work, and composed with variations.
The best known of Rachmaninoff’s symphonies is Symphony No.2 in E minor, the third movement and one of the most enchanting Adagios in history, the violins and the clarinet sighing wistfully, and the motif supposedly related to “Do you love me?” in Russian language (Ты меня любишь).